Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Review: Life's A Capella by Yessi Smith

I want to tell you how great my life was. How I lived without regrets. With constant laughter. Without any tears. I want to tell you how I lived each moment to the fullest. How each breath I took was fresh and full of life. With eagerness. Without any fear. 
I want to tell you all of that, but then my story would be masked with lies and not worth telling. 
My life didn't start until I left my past. And I left everything. My mother, my friends, my name. 
My new name, the name everyone knows me by is Erin Lewis. 
Four years after finding the courage to leave her hometown in Alabama, Erin is finally happy with where her life has led her. Not only is she secure in her environment, but the relationships she has formed center her, making her forget how damaged she once was. Before she can fully settle into her new life, her past crashes into her present, unraveling a set of events that destroy the very foundation she has built her new life on.

My Review

Every now and than you will read a story that just touches you and makes you wish for the best and this is that story. Erin is a girl that has struggled with a lot in her life and she only wants to make things right and forget her past, but the thing about the past is that it always comes back to bite you in the end and the things that you were running from you finally have to face. There were times in this book that I thought that Erin doesn't have to be so harsh and shut everyone out and than there were times when I truly wanted to slap her and tell her to wake up and than I really just wanted to cry for her. I loved the fact that Erin was a strong person and wanted to make a life outside of her old life and that along made me root for her.

Trent was the guy that we all wish we have in our lives. A man that will understand you, be there for you, support you even when he knows that you are wrong and finally that man that will love you unconditionally no matter what you do he will always be there for you. Just when Erin thought that her life was okay tragic strikes and completely throws her for a loop and once again she is back down that rabbit whole that never ends. The things that I loved most about this story is that Erin finally figures out where she belongs and that the one thing that she was looking for or trying to avoid she had all along she just never took the time to stop and smell the roses.


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